Born too soon, but surrounded by love.
Maggie Boyd’s pregnancy with her first child, Teddy, started out perfect, the kind most expectant mothers dream of. However, at 32 weeks it became apparent something was wrong with her unborn son. Her OBGYN noticed Teddy’s heart rate was decelerating—action had to be taken.
Maggie and Teddy were admitted to Seton immediately, where the baby boy’s condition could be monitored. But the situation was more dire than they thought and Maggie was wheeled into surgery, where an emergency cesarean section was performed.
Little Teddy would enter the world at 32 weeks weighing only 2 pounds, 11 ounces. Because his lungs weren’t fully developed, he needed a CPAP to help him breathe and 24/7 care.
The Boyd Family would spend the next 51 days in NICU.
It was a painful, scary time for the young couple, as they realized little Teddy was on the precipice of death. They would spend their waking hours watching him through the incubator, or holding him when they could. They credit the amazing staff at Seton for helping them during this difficult time.
Teddy had a team of Seton doctors and nurses working around the clock, using state of the art technology, to ensure he’d get strong enough to go home with his family. He was able to leave NICU on his original due date, a mere five pounds, but healthy thanks to his expert care at Seton.
Today Teddy is a happy, rambunctious 4-year-old with a baby brother named Knox. The harrowing experience with Teddy changed Maggie and Nick’s outlook on life. They recognize life’s fragility, and they marvel at how far their young son as come.
“I will forever think of them as angels, I just have this unending gratitude. Because of their care, Teddy is healthy and running and talking and just this joyous child. I don’t know what the outcome would’ve been for Teddy had we not had such a state-of-the-art NICU close by.”