2021 Cardiovascular Fellows Join Ascension Seton Heart Institute
Please join us in welcoming the latest Fellows to join the Ascension Seton Heart Institute Cardiovascular Fellowship Program: Dr. Darren Harrison, MD and Dr. Varun Pattisapu, MD.
As the flagship hospital in the fastest growing region in the state, Ascension Seton Medical Center Austin has an ambitious plan to strengthen our exceptional specialty in Cardiovascular Care. With philanthropic support, we are growing the first Cardiovascular Fellowship Program in Central Texas. The Ascension Seton Cardiovascular Fellowship Program is a three-year training program in partnership with Dell Medical School at the University of Texas that improves health outcomes, increases access to specialty care, and incentivizes the best and brightest physicians to practice in Austin. Cardiovascular Fellows receive training in four competencies: Clinical Training, Research, Quality Improvement Projects, and Patient Advocacy.
Dr. Clay Cauthen leads the Ascension Seton Cardiovascular Fellowship Program. In total, seven Cardiovascular Fellows will train under the Cardiologist at Ascension Seton Heart Institute.

Darren Harrison, MD
Hometown: Wolcott, CT
Medical School: University College Dublin
Clinical Interest: Congenital Heart Disease
Research Interest: High Value Care

Varun Pattisapu, MD
Hometown: Crystal Lake, IL
Medical School: University of Medicine at Rockford
Clinical Interest: Interventional Cardiology
Research Interest: Structural Heart Disease